The E-Cigarette (also known as the Electronic Cigarette) is the healthier alternative to the traditional Cigarette. Unlike a traditional Cigarette it does not contain tobacco, it also does not contain any carcinogens such as tar and carbon monoxide. By replacing tobacco smoking with our E-Cigarette, you will not only benefit from a healthier lifestyle, but you will also be able to smoke anywhere in the UK, including public places, bars and restaurants where tobacco smoking is prohibited. The E-Cigarette allows you to smoke without smoking, rather than breathing in toxic smoke, you breathe in vaporised nicotine. The E-Cigarette emits harmless water vapour, harmless to both you and those around you. The vapour from The E-Cigarette dissipates into the atmosphere quickly, leaving no trace, no smell & no sticky residue usually associated with tar filled tobacco. With the Nicotine "hit" coming 10x faster than Gum or Patches - it really does give the instant satisfaction of smoking a normal cigarette.
Details :
- currency: GBP
- delivery: Local Delivery
- price_display: £19.99
- user_id: 16982546